Heart Warming Songs

Friday 12 August 2011

confidence success: “The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure.”
Sven Goran Eriksson

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Inspiring Your Growth - Business Inspired Conference 2011 - http://ow.ly/5YCjm... Get booked now!

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Friday 5 August 2011

To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.
Anatole France

Thursday 4 August 2011

Asking for help does not mean we are weak or incompetent. It usually indicates an advanced level of honesty and intelligence.
Anne W Schaef

Monday 1 August 2011

Abundant Thinking

It never seizes to amaze me that we have approximately 25- 50,000 thoughts per day… That’s a lot of thinking! And when you take on board how many of those thoughts you are likely to be aware of it makes you wonder whether you are in control of your mind or if your mind is in control of you. Interesting thought…

On top of that I wonder how many of those thoughts are positive. If stats are anything to go by (and psychologists have stated 80% of thoughts are negative) the amount of time spent in poor thinking is streets ahead. Think of it this way:

80% of 50,000 thoughts = 40,000 negative thoughts per day! Now that’s scary!

That said it is hardly surprising we have so many negative thoughts. We are constantly fed stories that provoke sadness and anxiety; natural disasters, wars, illness and disease.

So the message here is about taking the time to acknowledge our thoughts, to start realising what messages we are sending to ourselves and to stamp out the negative habitual ones. It is time to get to abundant thinking!

How often do you tell yourself that you don’t have enough money, no work opportunities, horrible clothes and no holidays? The list goes on. But in truth there are things we have in abundance; love, friends, waking breath, a loving family, a job, a business, clothing of any description, a skill, a talent... We may not have all of these things but no doubt we have at least one.

Abundant Thinking:
How many good things do you already have in your life?
What are your strengths, skills and talents?
What do you want to do? Be? Have? Achieve?
 Where are the opportunities to bring this into being?
What solutions can you fix where others only see issues?

Abundant thinking requires a solution focus not a problem focus!

Live Blissfully!

Tuesday 26 July 2011

You can clutch the past so tightly to your chest that it leaves your arms too full to embrace the present.
Jan Glidewell

Monday 25 July 2011

Keep Going!

Do you know when you just want to give up, throw in the towel and call it a day? When all your efforts seem to be going no place fast or so slowly you can't equate your efforts to the results?

Keep Going!

Even though it is the most challenging of circumstances, that sense of putting in all the hours without a shift occurring, keep going. The shift is happening; you just can't see it yet. The universe is busy doing its thing and it needs you to remain positive and in action. 

Too many people let go of their dreams just before the dream is about to explode into life. Why? Because they aren't seeing the results they expected in their time frame. The vision starts to blur and the only feeling left is that of time having been wasted. 

The truth is when you commit to a goal, a dream, it is imperative that you press on in faith. The path may change, the steps you need to take may alter but if your heart is in the dream you must dig deep to keep going and see it fulfilled.

If there were no challenges, no moments of doubt, it would all be too easy. But in truth would you really learn the breadth and depth of lessons you do when you have to confront difficulties? Would you truly experience your full potential in solving issues? One of the basic human needs is to grow and the challenges you face certainly provide you with room for that!

So if you are in a place right now where things seem difficult and you doubt the possibilities, refocus on the dream; feel it, see it, taste it and live it. Bring your goal to life in colour and become a solution focused person.

And you know what? When you reach your goal, not only will you be able to celebrate the achievement, you will also realise that every step was put in place to make you the stronger more enlightened person you are...

Live Blissfully

One problem with gazing too frequently into the past is that we may turn around to find the future has run out on us.
Michael Cibenko

Friday 22 July 2011

Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.
Winston Churchill

Tuesday 19 July 2011

The Gift of Life...

Okay, I'm a little late on the blog this week but with very good reason!

As a confidence and life planning specialist most of my time is spent working with wonderful women who have made a decision to change their life, to create the life they truly desire so that they can be role models to their children, to other women and at the other end of the scale, know that when they leave this world they will leave it empty... empty because they will have lived their dream not died with it locked deep inside them. They will have used their gift of life...

This weekend I was given the opportunity to experience the gift of life up close and personal. My very dear friend Chelle and her partner Mark invited me to be with them at the birth of their child; an honour along with being asked to be the godmother! I remembered the birth-day of my own son, the joy and feelings of love that overwhelmed me, the amazement of having been able to create a new life. Of course I didn't get to see him 'being born' so this was going to be a different experience, another take on the gift of life.

A few things really hit me whilst watching the actual child birth; for those of us that have or want children there is this burning desire to see our new born, fit and healthy and we want more than ever to shower this new life with love, unconditional love. I heard it repeatedly during my friend's labour both with her partner and the midwife. There was little if any concern for her own well being, her pain, just the safe arrival of her baby... it meant so much more to her.

This led me to think about the changes that often follow. As our children grow up we start telling them to meet our expectations and too often spend time highlighting their shortfalls instead of glorying in their achievements and encouraging them. Long forgotten is the pure joy of them coming into existence. Granted there is a need to instill good behaviour, respect and manners into their growth but what about the joy of simply appreciating that they were born at all?

So I took away a healthy dose of reminders to self:
  • My child is special and precious, not just in the moment of his child birth and youth but everyday of his adult life
  • My unconditional love for him represents an appreciation of his life being a gift - it doesn't represent lack of boundaries or accepting poor behaviour
  • The importance of celebrating his achievements, big, small and everything in-between
  • Saying 'I love you'... daily 
  • Giving a hug of gratitude that reminds him I am thankful he is here in the now
What will you do to show your child they are a gift of life?

Live Blissfully

Saturday 16 July 2011

“In helping others, we shall help ourselves, for whatever good we give out completes the circle and comes back to us.”
Flora Edwards

Monday 11 July 2011

It's Good To Talk!

Amazingly technology has brought us forward to a time where we can be in contact with people across the globe 24/7 with ease. We don't have to go to the airport and fly; we don't even have to call... truly a sign of the times.
Yet in the midst of all these new and innovative ways to communicate we seem to have lost (or be losing) the art of face to face conversation. We just don't seem to talk to each other in the same room and I wonder how much of what is being said is lost because of it. Let's face it, when you are emailing or sending texts chances are you or the recipient are also doing something else - multi-tasking, maybe, focused, NO!

Some shining examples:

You work in an office and your colleague, who sits about 10 yards away, has a message for you. Instead of walking over to you, she sends you an email and you, of course, reply - this is becoming the norm!

You're at home and your teenage kid is upstairs playing the music rather loud. You pull out your mobile and send a text 'please turn it down'... no exaggeration!

You are on your way home and you decide to call your friend, lover or family member. Now bearing in mind you are heading home 'to' that person there is still a need to clock up a 30 minute conversation on the train only to get home and have very little left to say - seen it!

So at what point do we lay aside these wonderful tools and actually interact face to face? Surely the ability to be in the present would help us communicate our messages more openly. Surely we would listen more (or at least pretend to) if we were in front of each other.

I for one love nothing more than being in good company, having a good chat, debate and healthy laughter. There is much to be gained in being with others and engaging in conversation. Just last week I had a few back to back social/business meetings and I came away invigorated... I rarely get that kind of buzz from my phone, texts or emails.

I only hope that we do not lose the will to communicate personally (or I might lose the will to live!), it would be a travesty... it really is good to talk!

Live Blissfully

Friday 8 July 2011

“Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing.”

Thursday 7 July 2011

Monday 4 July 2011

Sometimes all it takes is a Smile

On one of my trips into Bath City Centre last week I got talking to a very charming woman. We had seen each other many times in passing and always said hello, each thinking we knew each other from some place.

As it turns out we didn't know each other from any place in particular, we had just become the smiling faces that took time out to greet each other. But once we striked up a conversation we realised that other members of our families knew each other. Amazing...

During our bus journey long conversation I was told how lovely my smile was and how nice it was to see a smiling face around town. What a compliment and it really made my day.

And also made me realise what a smile could do on any given day; make someone feel special, make them feel valued, make them smile back perhaps for the first time that day, week or month. 

You see we never know what someone is going through when we pass them on the street. We don't know for sure if they are sad, angry, hurt, low in confidence, at a low point in life. There may be signs but no definite conclusions. But what if we gave them a 100 watt sincere smile just because we could, or a 'good morning/afternoon', even some eye to eye contact... What if that was all they needed to feel lifted?

The appreciation of another human being, the acknowledgement that they exist and matter, even if you do not know them (or ever will) is only a smile away. A smile is one of the easiest ways to connect with someone else and it costs you nothing in time, money or favours... and sometimes that all it takes to turn someone else's day around.

So go about each day with a smile, even if you're saying no to the free newspaper copy or to a street trader selling their wares, a smile and a polite 'no thank you' always seems to get a positive response.

Go on, try it!

Live Blissfully

Friday 1 July 2011

"7 Simple Steps to Online Marketing SUCCESS: Take Control, Get More Traffic & Make More Profit with Ease!" Free webinar http://bit.ly/mOImq9

Monday 27 June 2011

Outside the Zone of Comfort

Tales of the unexpected!

I went to a networking event on Friday 24th June at Bailbrook House Hotel (stunning grounds). It was good for a number of reasons:
  • The participants all had a stand to display what they offered(so much better than just swanning around hoping to talk to someone interesting)
  • Those participants with services had the opportunity to do 'freebie' taster sessions
There was bread being baked, crepes you could make yourself, cocktails shaken & stirred in the midst of education products, hand massages, jewellery and a whole range of other wonderful things. It made for a really fun atmosphere.

I was there to promote my business and also to help the event organiser - a little bit of hostessing goes a long way! And so there I was interacting and mingling when the announcement came for the next main demo... belly dancing!

One of the students from a local dance school was going to perform a short belly dancing routine and she wanted some of the audience to step up and be her 'students'. As always, you could see people melting into the walls and to the back of the room. So I decided to go a different route... straight up to the front, bag down and ready for action! My view; I was either going to make an absolute fool of myself or really enjoy the music and the opportunity! I opted for the latter...

And as always with these things once one person steps up a few more follow. So there we were, 3 students for the student, shimmying, figure 8 hip swirling and I don't know what else. It was great, we laughed and some real female bonding took place!

So what's the big deal? Well, far too often we are 'fearful' to step outside the norm, we are concerned about what others will think, we dislike the thought of not being able to do something well and so we don't do the things we want to. This little dancing session wasn't planned, I certainly wasn't dressed for the occasion but so what? Taking part created laughter and coming away from the event with a fun memory was priceless. Do I need to worry what individuals thought of me? I don't think so!

What are the things you would love to do but don't for fear of being mocked or for feeling uncomfortable? Do you really plan to live the rest of your life that way? Again, I don't think so!
Get outside of your zone of comfort, have fun, live fully and kick regret into touch!

Love Blissfully

Sunday 26 June 2011

“Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin!"

Saturday 25 June 2011

“Life is not measured by the number of breathes we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.."

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Monday 20 June 2011

A smile in the midst of a troubled world http://t.co/9StWzSg

Health Warning: Stress Can Sink Your Dreams

Do you ever have one of 'those days' (or weeks or months) that seem to bring a multitude of news you really don't want?

Well, I had one of 'those days' last week and I have to say I felt tired, worn down and stressed out, quite an unusual experience for me. Of course my first thought at the end of that day was 'What have I been focusing on or thinking about?' This is usually where I go to get my answers when things aren't coming together because I believe what I am focused on is what I manifest.

And true to my thinking I was able to see cracks in my usually positive mindset and through those cracks doubt had leaked in to dampen my sunny disposition and my dreams! Ah, the power of a thought...

So from being sunny side up with total faith in what I do I went into a mini meltdown but when I got through the other side I wondered how people coped with being in that space on a regular basis. I experienced it over a 24 hour period but what's it like over a week, a month? How do you motivate yourself to get up and do anything? How do you sleep at night with the constant pressure of dread, worry or concern?

From my point of view stress can and probably will sink your dreams... if you allow it to. There is a need to be able to deal with a degree of stress from time to time but it is your responsibility to change your mindset in order to reduce its frequency and its affect. If stress is about your reaction to a situation then clearly you have to learn how to react differently. And yes, it is possible even if it doesn't seem it in the moment.

So when stressed, ask yourself:
  • What is it that is weighing me down?
  • What do I need to do about it? Action is key!
  • Who can help me (if required)?
  • How can I better manage my reaction in the future?
  • What is the feeling of stress stopping me from achieving and doing?
  • Am I okay with that? (and that should be a no!) 
Getting past stressful situations allows you to refocus on the things that are truly important to you so never stick your head in the sand in the hope the problem will go away, deal with it! This will help you become more solution focused and allow you to move on. 

Don't let your dreams sink - you deserve so much more!

Live Blissfully

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Making The Best Use of Your Time

Are you making the best use of your time? Or do you feel as if there are never enough hours in the day?

As a long distance commuter (when I have to travel to clients) I often spend time pre-travel deciding how I am going to utilise my train journey. If I know that I have at least one hour each way I know that I can do plenty! I'll always pack a book or my copy of Success Magazine (probably the best magazine on the planet!), my laptop so that I can access documents if needs be, and a list of any tasks that I have been wanting to do but that haven't been important enough to make it onto the daily 'must do' list.

With no distractions it is amazing just how much I can accomplish in that time. Where I once would wonder how I was going to get everything done that I wanted to, I would realise that I was on top of everything. This has now become a habitual way of travelling although I do allow time to just admire the scenery... Love Mother Nature!

So what about you? Where are you 'losing out' on time? Are you spending more time in front of the TV in the evening than you really need or want to? (Seriously, it is amazing how your intention to just watch TV for an hour can suddenly become 3 or 4) Are you spending endless hours on the phone 'gossiping'? Maybe you get up at 8am but could, if you were willing to make the most of your time, get up at 7am... that alone would give you 5 more hours per working week to do the things that would help move you forward.

And the time gained might not be for work, it might be for getting fit, writing 'that' book, spending some 'communication time' with the ones you love... just about anything.

If you really are keen on seeing how you spend your time you might want to visit Rescue Time. But beware... it may well reveal some time sucking habits you didn't want to acknowledge!

On the other hand you might just realise that you could be making better use of your time...

Live Blissfully

Friday 10 June 2011

Those at the top of the mountain didn't fall there...
Author Unknown

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Monday 6 June 2011

One Step At A Time...

I'm gearing myself up for a summer of fitness! There is nothing I enjoy more than a morning run through the countryside to get my brain into gear. And this morning was no exception.

I had set my target of 4 miles, knowing where that would take me to and roughly how long it would take. I plugged in my headset, found my favourite tune list and got into stride. There I was jogging along, one minute taking in my surroundings and the next looking down at the ground. I was watching how one foot after the other made impact before leaving the ground to go airborne only to strike it again a moment later. It got me thinking...

Isn't this like the goals you set yourself? You know the desired outcome, the vision you have created and you get yourself prepared for the journey -the kit and resources. Then finally you get into action, completing one task at a time to get you to the vision.

And I think that, that is the key to achieving your goals; the one step at a time rule. So often you get caught up in trying to do everything at once until you have totally exhausted yourself or totally lost sight of where you were going. Watching that one step that you are currently taking helps you to stay in the 'now', focused on what you are doing and achieving in the moment.

What’s the bonus of being in the ‘now’? You get to appreciate the one thing you have done, you can express gratitude for having the resources to do it and you can confirm your ability to get you to where you ultimately want to go. 

So worry less about the size of the step and focus more on taking one step at a time... it will get you to where you want to go.

Live Blissfully

Saturday 4 June 2011

Like attracts like. Whatever the conscious mind thinks and believes, the subconscious identically creates.
Brian Adams

Thursday 2 June 2011

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
A Einstein

Wednesday 1 June 2011

The jump is so frightening between where I am & where I want to be. Because of all I may become, I will close my eyes & leap.
M A Radmacher

Tuesday 31 May 2011

Exercising Self Discipline

No one loves the word discipline quite like a teacher or parent! And for a lot of people discipline brings up negative images of being reprimanded or told what to do. But there is value in discipline and when it is self imposed it can be very powerful...

According to my favourite source of meanings, Wikipedia, 'Self-discipline refers to the training that one gives oneself to accomplish a certain task or to adopt a particular pattern of behaviour, even if one would rather be doing something else.'

It is this self discipline that can help you achieve your goals and fulfil your dreams. Getting into the habit of setting aside time each day to do a task that moves you forward to your goal plenty of discipline. And let's face it there is always something else you could be doing!

But my question is a simple one. Why wouldn't you want to 'train' yourself to do the things that will bring about the realisation of your dreams? 

By not exercising self discipline when you have set yourself goals it is as good as saying 'my dreams aren't worth it' or 'I don't really believe they can come true' or 'I'm too lazy to bother'... Really?

If it is true that what ever the mind can conceive, and believe, the mind can achieve (Napoleon Hill), then surely following through should be exciting as well as rewarding..?

The critical point here is not to focus on how much time you spend doing the task but the frequency and persistence with which you do. It has been stated that you need to repeat something 16-21 times before it becomes a habit. So make up your mind to do it and then keep at it. 

3 minutes per day towards writing some lines for that book you want to author is better than none at all!

Live Blissfully!

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Risking It All - http://ow.ly/50CrJ - Inspiring to see people getting out of their comfort zone to create the life they desire

Monday 23 May 2011

Today's Excuse Is...

What excuses are you making today to not do the very thing you need to?

Too busy
Too tired
Too poor
Too early
Too late
Too stressed…

Well as a good friend of mine said when she tweeted this list ‘Heard them all before’!

You see today's opportunity might not be tomorrows. In fact when you see how quickly things are changing it’s obvious that today's work must be done today! We don’t even know if there is a tomorrow until it becomes today.

Excuses are just a way of getting yourself off the hook, of showing lack of commitment and procrastinating. And the truth is if you are happy that way, great. On the other hand if you are constantly feeling like you haven’t got enough time, money, energy and the rest then you really need to ask yourself what am I putting off and making excuses for.

You decide you want to get fit – but the gym hours just don’t work for you… How can that be when most gyms are open 15 hours per day?

You decide you want to have a balanced diet – but you stop at McDonalds and then blame work for making you late so that you HAD to get a quick fix on the way home.

You decide you want to start your own business and start reading about the many different things you’ll need to do – and instead of rising to the challenge you just keep buying books in the hope the business will create itself on the pages. Then blame the books for taking up so much time that you didn’t have time to start the business.
Sound crazy? They are excuses I have heard more times than I care to remember. And all the while the only reason none of these things worked out was lack of commitment and a bag full of excuses.

If you want to change your life, if you want things to be different then you need to decide to drop the excuses and start living… today!

Live Blissfully!

Saturday 21 May 2011

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Attended the first ever 'live' Facebook Expo yesterday. http://ow.ly/4WHhu Now this is how to promote an event online! Facebook

Monday 16 May 2011

"There are no great men, only great challenges that ordinary men are forced by circumstances to meet."
William F. Halsey

Tuesday 10 May 2011

DeClutter Your Space & Live Life!

What's the space around you like? Do you function from a place of 'organised chaos' or where there is a place for everything and everything in its place? And whichever category you fall into do you find that other areas of your life play out the same way - cluttered or religiously organised?

We often need to assess the clutter around us to sort out what in it is necessary and what is not. De-cluttering our space can often help us to de-clutter our minds as well as our karma. I have tried and tested this and it really has paid dividends. Whenever I feel there is too much going on and I am unsure what to do next, I clear my environment. I give things to charity, throw out things that are no longer of use to anyone and organise my space in such a way that I can retrieve what I need in any given moment without turning my space upside down!

In that moment of organised space I find I am able to work with more energy and a freer state of mind... weird really but Feng Shui seems to back it up. Truth has it, your space reveals much about you as a person, your beliefs and values as well as habits. So what is your space saying right now?

The good news is that if your space is not currently sending out the kind of messages you would want people to associate with you, then you can make the change! Once every 3-6months have a good clear out (some tips on de-cluttering) or actually every time your head feels like one more piece of information will cause it to explode. Don't be afraid of letting things go... they are 'things'. You'll instantly know the items that have any real emotional value and as long as they breed good feelings, keep them.
The whole purpose of de-cluttering is to make space for something greater to flow in and when you start to think of it that way it makes sense to do it regularly!

Live Blissfully

If you want happiness for a lifetime... help others
Chinese proverb

Monday 2 May 2011

Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. - George Bernard Shaw

What If....

What if I didn't bother to be all that I could be?
Would God be really bothered and think any less of me?
What if I chose to just do as others do or say?
Would there be impact on my life in any kind of way?
What if I stopped caring about who I really am?
Would my life turn out to be a dirty rotten scam?
What if such a question were asked of all of us?
Would it matter deeply, what would be the fuss?

What if I chose to love the world and give all of myself?
Would I be blessed forever with all the planets natural wealth?
What if I gave community and charity my all?
Would it heal the planet, could I save one life, so small?
What if I learned to love others with no regret to follow?
Would that mean my heart would beat with no ensuing sorrow?
What if I didn't think these thoughts and lived from day to day?
I think that all of my 'What If's' would simply fade away
For I would do all of the things my heart felt it should do
So don't waste time with 'What If's', Live life, be free, be you...

Live Blissfully!

Video: Don't Live A What If Life!

Sunday 1 May 2011

Let passion spill out in everything you do, let it dance in your heart, let it play in your eyes & make the decision to keep it alive...Yve

Saturday 30 April 2011

Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions. - Dalai Lama

Friday 29 April 2011

As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live - Garth Henrichs

Thursday 28 April 2011

Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life - Berthold Auerbach. The sweet sound of music! http://ow.ly/4I83o

Monday 25 April 2011

Taking Time Out For you

If like me you decided to have some down time over the Easter weekend I'd be interested to know how much you enjoyed it.

Did you spend time with your family and friends? 
Did you switch off from work?
Were you able to relax?
Did you purposely set aside some time for you to reflect on where you are and where you are heading?

I have to say I am a bit of a workaholic within my business but that is because I love what I do. So when it comes to the holiday breaks I do have to be strict with myself and set aside time away from work. Good Friday was spent with family and we had a great day! I didn't miss work, i just relaxed and enjoyed the good company. Saturday was a half and half day; some work and some more play. By Sunday I wanted to get some planning in place for the week ahead but I still managed to sit out in the garden and enjoy the sunshine. Today, Monday, I have used for reflection.

Reflection time is 'my time'. It's when I assess how I feel, how my relationships are flowing (family, friends and partner) and where my business is in relation to my goals. It is the time I take to recognise fully how thankful I am for the life I have and the one I am creating (although I do strive to give thanks daily!) It's me time...

Is it essential? Absolutely! It's all too easy to go through each day mindlessly, getting things done but not assessing the impact on your life or that of others. And you get to check if you're on course or if you need to be doing something differently or totally new...

Taking time out means different things for different people; it might be reading a book, sitting silently and just listening to inner dialogue, being with the people you love or maybe travelling. It might be something that takes 5 minutes or 5 days (like a yoga retreat). The most important thing is that you have some.

So when was the last time you took time out for you? Make it a habit, create time for it no matter how hectic your schedule. Chances are it will provide you with a return on the time invested and moreover... you deserve it!

Live Blissfully!

Tuesday 19 April 2011

"Two men look out through the same bars: One sees the mud, and one sees the stars."
Frederick Langbridge

Monday 18 April 2011

Dealing with Adversity

I read a great Ebook last week discussing the topic of adversity. It came at a perfect moment as one of my client's was dealing with some very adverse conditions and the main points it covered were spot on.

Adversity has a way of freezing people into inaction and yet it is the very opposite of what is required. Here are some of the main points I took away as tips for getting through adversity:
  • Avoid visualising the worse scenario. Far too often people get caught up in the worst outcomes and that of course deflates confidence and self belief.
  • Deal with the true threats. In adversity there are certain things that are fact; pile of bills unpaid, a handful of unhappy clients, etc. These should not be ignored (head in the sand), you need to look for ways to correct them, manage them & deal with them. Leading to point 3...
  • Become solution focused. Start looking for ways to rectify the situation instead of dwelling on what has gone wrong. To resist a thought is to think about the very thing you are resisting!
  • Avoid analysis paralysis - Thought without action = worry!
  • Avoid letting adversity creep in to all areas of your life. Look after your well being, you'll need your physical, mental and emotional strength to press forward and you'll need the people you can count on to be supportive (so don't keep them at arm's length).
  • Don't quit! When the going gets tough, get tougher! Quitting is not an option. Every time you think about quitting think 'This might be the corner I need to get around for everything to fall into place, it might be the last hurdle in a series of them to get over'. And wouldn't you just hate to find out that if you had pressed on just one more time you would have got the results you wanted?
And throughout this process remain confident. Big smile from the heart, stand tall, move with purpose and own your space! Believe in you, your skills & your abilities. Be an action taker and get the help you need to get to where you want to. Adversity, like most things, will pass...


Monday 11 April 2011

What Choices Are You Making?

If it is true that a positive, happy disposition can increase the length of our lives, why aren’t we embracing that attitude all the time?

It is a fact that we are the owners of our feelings, our behaviours and our words. We choose in every moment how we are going to respond to situations and interactions with people… yes, we are responsible for ‘shouting & screaming’ for ‘name calling’ and ‘loss of temper’. Unfortunately the preference seems to be to externalise the responsibility and blame others,  the day or the environment for the way we feel.

We know that some days are just smoother than others, that is a fact, and we should enjoy those all the more knowing that there will be challenging days to come! But when the days of challenges do arrive, what choices are we making?

  • Sticking our head in the sand?
  • Fretting and not telling anyone?
  • Taking frustration out on someone else?
  • Telling ourselves life is over? 
  • Asking what's the point?
Or are we getting solution focused?
The choices we make in the most difficult of situations are the ones we tend to learn the biggest lessons from. And in taking responsibility of our feelings and reactions we become more adept at being solution focused as well as remaining in the positive... even though the circumstances may be emotionally challenging.

I certainly believe that facing each day in a positive state of mind helps me deal with the twists and turns that come my way. It helps me to focus on what action I need to take to resolve the issue or look at how I can resolve the issue instead of thinking ‘I can’t cope’ or ‘It’s not fair’… or worse still ‘it’s someone else’s fault’.

What’s your take? What choices do you make? Are you choosing to live in the positive...?

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Stage Fright!

Friday 1st April 2011, The O2 Arena, Peter Kay & Sister Snog... what a night! Peter Kay was magnificent (one of the few stand-up comics I love) and Sister Snog, the best female only private members club ever, hosted the event fantastically...

Interesting to see Peter Kay on stage... here is a guy clearly comfortable in his skin (well he certainly seems that way). His confidence in his ability to make people laugh with the most every day of topics is astounding. 

I sat laughing my head off and wondering whether he ever felt fearful... whether his confidence ever waivered... Unfortunately I didn't get to ask him so I'm currently none the wiser!

How would you feel being centre stage to thousand's of people? Could you hold your own in your field/expertise? Could you 'act' confidently even if stage fright was the overriding feeling?

I'd like to give it a go! Worse case scenario? I'd die trying!!