Heart Warming Songs

Thursday 31 March 2011

'You can clutch the past so tightly to your chest that it leaves you too full to embrace the present.'
Jan Glidewell

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Saturday 26 March 2011

Why Would I Love Myself?

An interesting topic... I was recently a guest on a radio show (soon to be aired and I'll let you know the details in due course) discussing some key themes from a play and we touched on this.

My first question would be 'Why wouldn't you love yourself?' What are the thoughts and feelings about loving yourself that do not sit well with you? 

You see no one knows the hidden thoughts, the dark secrets and deeds we carry as individuals quite like we do and it is often these skeletons that leave us feeling shameful, imperfect and unlovable. 

There is this sense of being lovable equalling being good, kind and pure at all times. But in reality how many people do you know who are these things at all times? And are they truly the only people who deserve to understand and know love? No, not at all.

Love is a gift for everyone, regardless of the acts carried out, the words spoken and unkind thoughts. It is through love that the dark side can be tackled. When we look at ourselves square in the eye, accepting ourselves with all our faults and making the decision to love that person we see anyway, that is when we can start to be who we are meant to be.

Love starts from within... It resides there in a never ending supply and can be experienced IF and when we choose to acknowledge it, IF we choose to love ourselves first the good & the bad and IF we share that love with others.


'You must love yourself before you love another. By accepting yourself and fully being what you are, your simple presence can make others happy.'
'If you aren't good at loving yourself, you will have a difficult time loving anyone, since you'll resent the time and energy you give another that you aren't even giving to yourself.'
Barbara De Angelis

Go In Love...

Saturday 19 March 2011

Pausing to contemplate confidence...

Count your blessings
Open up to opportunities & possibilities
Note the people that tell you 'you can't' and just smile, knowing you can
Find like-minded people to spend time with
Invest in your self-development
Decide today to be the best that you can be
Encourage others to do the same
Now is the time for action so take it
Consistency gets you to the finishing line
Energize yourself with rest, healthy food & exercise

In being confident there is no sure outcome, it just always looks brighter...
In being confident there are no guaranteed wins, there are just more of them...
In being confident it's not about being right, it's about being okay with being wrong...

Go confidently!

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Monday 14 March 2011

I Want To But....

'But' just gets in the way! Ain't that the truth?

How many times have you decided to do something differently, better, bigger and then little ole BUT comes along and stamps on your ideas and dreams as if they were undesirable creepy crawlies, leaving nothing but a heap of broken goals behind? Sound familiar? Know the feeling?

The reality of course is that the dreams were and are yours - you had them for a reason - but you allowed FEAR (False Expectations Appearing Real), lack of support and old habits to cut them off at the knees... yes, YOU!

It's painful to have to take responsibility for all the trials and tribulations of life; it can be challenging and even lonely... BUT (and this is a good but!) if you imagined that the issues were there to teach you lessons, that the unsupportive people were there to strengthen your resolve (not weaken it), that every old habit was there to be broken or tweaked, wouldn't you have a greater desire to press forward?

You see it's not the issues that stop us from moving forward, from achieving our goals and dreams; it is how we choose to view them. We can either look at every challenge as a road block, a sign that says 'wrong way', 'wrong dream', 'not you' or we can read it as 'right way but need more information', right dream but more work to do to bring it to life', 'yes you but you need to believe it first'... These are the choices we are in control of.

And yes, there may well be some dreams that are not for you in the end but you'll know that when the desire wanes and the end goal just doesn't provide the strength to carry on. You'll know that when you have taken time to find out who you are and what makes you tick.

BUT don't give up at the first hurdle; don't look for places, people and situations to blame. Take responsibility, dare to dream bigger and believe that you have what it takes, no matter the time it takes.

This is your life after all, given to you for you to create... Create well and richly because you deserve nothing less.

Until the next post

Friday 11 March 2011

Thursday 10 March 2011

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Monday 7 March 2011

I Am Alive...

Are you ever stirred to write your thoughts in poetry? Do you ever gaze from a window and all at once become full of some message or other?

I have loved poetry since childhood, melodic or otherwise. This poem, I Am Alive, is about reawakening from the zombie like state life can become, it's about taking responsibility for the life you have been given and living it to the full. It's about becoming aware of who you are, your purpose and the path created by you, not by others...

And so the world goes on, sometimes blindly with no vision of a future
And we follow without knowledge, without a thought
Then wonder in amazement why we have no recollection of how we got here

And should we be so mindless to continue in this way, no questions asked
We have no reason to complain, no one to blame
No finger pointing, or name calling or cries of painful sorrow

For we must stop to see the pathway, wide eyed and with unfaltering alertness
For we must listen, ears fully engaged, digesting information, taking action
And only then, only then, can we begin to say 'I am alive'

Be Confident enough to do things your way, be Assertive enough to tell others why and be Kind enough to Empower others to find their path too...


Thursday 3 March 2011