Heart Warming Songs

Tuesday 31 May 2011

Exercising Self Discipline

No one loves the word discipline quite like a teacher or parent! And for a lot of people discipline brings up negative images of being reprimanded or told what to do. But there is value in discipline and when it is self imposed it can be very powerful...

According to my favourite source of meanings, Wikipedia, 'Self-discipline refers to the training that one gives oneself to accomplish a certain task or to adopt a particular pattern of behaviour, even if one would rather be doing something else.'

It is this self discipline that can help you achieve your goals and fulfil your dreams. Getting into the habit of setting aside time each day to do a task that moves you forward to your goal plenty of discipline. And let's face it there is always something else you could be doing!

But my question is a simple one. Why wouldn't you want to 'train' yourself to do the things that will bring about the realisation of your dreams? 

By not exercising self discipline when you have set yourself goals it is as good as saying 'my dreams aren't worth it' or 'I don't really believe they can come true' or 'I'm too lazy to bother'... Really?

If it is true that what ever the mind can conceive, and believe, the mind can achieve (Napoleon Hill), then surely following through should be exciting as well as rewarding..?

The critical point here is not to focus on how much time you spend doing the task but the frequency and persistence with which you do. It has been stated that you need to repeat something 16-21 times before it becomes a habit. So make up your mind to do it and then keep at it. 

3 minutes per day towards writing some lines for that book you want to author is better than none at all!

Live Blissfully!

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Risking It All - http://ow.ly/50CrJ - Inspiring to see people getting out of their comfort zone to create the life they desire

Monday 23 May 2011

Today's Excuse Is...

What excuses are you making today to not do the very thing you need to?

Too busy
Too tired
Too poor
Too early
Too late
Too stressed…

Well as a good friend of mine said when she tweeted this list ‘Heard them all before’!

You see today's opportunity might not be tomorrows. In fact when you see how quickly things are changing it’s obvious that today's work must be done today! We don’t even know if there is a tomorrow until it becomes today.

Excuses are just a way of getting yourself off the hook, of showing lack of commitment and procrastinating. And the truth is if you are happy that way, great. On the other hand if you are constantly feeling like you haven’t got enough time, money, energy and the rest then you really need to ask yourself what am I putting off and making excuses for.

You decide you want to get fit – but the gym hours just don’t work for you… How can that be when most gyms are open 15 hours per day?

You decide you want to have a balanced diet – but you stop at McDonalds and then blame work for making you late so that you HAD to get a quick fix on the way home.

You decide you want to start your own business and start reading about the many different things you’ll need to do – and instead of rising to the challenge you just keep buying books in the hope the business will create itself on the pages. Then blame the books for taking up so much time that you didn’t have time to start the business.
Sound crazy? They are excuses I have heard more times than I care to remember. And all the while the only reason none of these things worked out was lack of commitment and a bag full of excuses.

If you want to change your life, if you want things to be different then you need to decide to drop the excuses and start living… today!

Live Blissfully!

Saturday 21 May 2011

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Attended the first ever 'live' Facebook Expo yesterday. http://ow.ly/4WHhu Now this is how to promote an event online! Facebook

Monday 16 May 2011

"There are no great men, only great challenges that ordinary men are forced by circumstances to meet."
William F. Halsey

Tuesday 10 May 2011

DeClutter Your Space & Live Life!

What's the space around you like? Do you function from a place of 'organised chaos' or where there is a place for everything and everything in its place? And whichever category you fall into do you find that other areas of your life play out the same way - cluttered or religiously organised?

We often need to assess the clutter around us to sort out what in it is necessary and what is not. De-cluttering our space can often help us to de-clutter our minds as well as our karma. I have tried and tested this and it really has paid dividends. Whenever I feel there is too much going on and I am unsure what to do next, I clear my environment. I give things to charity, throw out things that are no longer of use to anyone and organise my space in such a way that I can retrieve what I need in any given moment without turning my space upside down!

In that moment of organised space I find I am able to work with more energy and a freer state of mind... weird really but Feng Shui seems to back it up. Truth has it, your space reveals much about you as a person, your beliefs and values as well as habits. So what is your space saying right now?

The good news is that if your space is not currently sending out the kind of messages you would want people to associate with you, then you can make the change! Once every 3-6months have a good clear out (some tips on de-cluttering) or actually every time your head feels like one more piece of information will cause it to explode. Don't be afraid of letting things go... they are 'things'. You'll instantly know the items that have any real emotional value and as long as they breed good feelings, keep them.
The whole purpose of de-cluttering is to make space for something greater to flow in and when you start to think of it that way it makes sense to do it regularly!

Live Blissfully

If you want happiness for a lifetime... help others
Chinese proverb

Monday 2 May 2011

Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. - George Bernard Shaw

What If....

What if I didn't bother to be all that I could be?
Would God be really bothered and think any less of me?
What if I chose to just do as others do or say?
Would there be impact on my life in any kind of way?
What if I stopped caring about who I really am?
Would my life turn out to be a dirty rotten scam?
What if such a question were asked of all of us?
Would it matter deeply, what would be the fuss?

What if I chose to love the world and give all of myself?
Would I be blessed forever with all the planets natural wealth?
What if I gave community and charity my all?
Would it heal the planet, could I save one life, so small?
What if I learned to love others with no regret to follow?
Would that mean my heart would beat with no ensuing sorrow?
What if I didn't think these thoughts and lived from day to day?
I think that all of my 'What If's' would simply fade away
For I would do all of the things my heart felt it should do
So don't waste time with 'What If's', Live life, be free, be you...

Live Blissfully!

Video: Don't Live A What If Life!

Sunday 1 May 2011

Let passion spill out in everything you do, let it dance in your heart, let it play in your eyes & make the decision to keep it alive...Yve