Heart Warming Songs

Tuesday 10 May 2011

DeClutter Your Space & Live Life!

What's the space around you like? Do you function from a place of 'organised chaos' or where there is a place for everything and everything in its place? And whichever category you fall into do you find that other areas of your life play out the same way - cluttered or religiously organised?

We often need to assess the clutter around us to sort out what in it is necessary and what is not. De-cluttering our space can often help us to de-clutter our minds as well as our karma. I have tried and tested this and it really has paid dividends. Whenever I feel there is too much going on and I am unsure what to do next, I clear my environment. I give things to charity, throw out things that are no longer of use to anyone and organise my space in such a way that I can retrieve what I need in any given moment without turning my space upside down!

In that moment of organised space I find I am able to work with more energy and a freer state of mind... weird really but Feng Shui seems to back it up. Truth has it, your space reveals much about you as a person, your beliefs and values as well as habits. So what is your space saying right now?

The good news is that if your space is not currently sending out the kind of messages you would want people to associate with you, then you can make the change! Once every 3-6months have a good clear out (some tips on de-cluttering) or actually every time your head feels like one more piece of information will cause it to explode. Don't be afraid of letting things go... they are 'things'. You'll instantly know the items that have any real emotional value and as long as they breed good feelings, keep them.
The whole purpose of de-cluttering is to make space for something greater to flow in and when you start to think of it that way it makes sense to do it regularly!

Live Blissfully


  1. Oh boy, I can relate to this post! At one time I was addicted to clutter, but I've mended my ways. Yvonne is correct when she says there is a connection to Fung Shui. In fact, I learned about the relationship from a book called "Clear Your Clutter With Feng Shui" by Karen Kingston. At first I was skeptical that controlling my "space" would have much of an effect on my spirit, but it really works! The main idea is -- clutter is stuck energy that keeps you stuck in undesirable life patterns. If you sort out your junk, you can sort out your life. Life isn't about accumulating things, it's about experiences and relationships. Throw away, sell or donate all that old stuff you no longer use. You'll become a happier, more balanced person! -- Julie

  2. When I saw that picture of the overstuffed filing cabinet with papers falling out, I had to make a comment. If your office looks like that, it's time to buy a sheet fed scanner and move toward a paperless office! These days it is quick and fast to scan documents to PDF format. Once you have a PDF version of the document in most cases you can safely toss out the original. Organize the PDF files on your computer's hard drive in a logical fashion. Think of your hard drive as a virtual filing cabinet of nearly endless capacity. A recommended scanner for this purpose is the Fujitsu ScanSnap. Tame that paper mess in your office. You'll feel a lot better, your office will make a better impression on customers or clients and you'll be able to lay your hands on any given document sooooooooo much faster. =)
