Heart Warming Songs

Saturday 26 March 2011

Why Would I Love Myself?

An interesting topic... I was recently a guest on a radio show (soon to be aired and I'll let you know the details in due course) discussing some key themes from a play and we touched on this.

My first question would be 'Why wouldn't you love yourself?' What are the thoughts and feelings about loving yourself that do not sit well with you? 

You see no one knows the hidden thoughts, the dark secrets and deeds we carry as individuals quite like we do and it is often these skeletons that leave us feeling shameful, imperfect and unlovable. 

There is this sense of being lovable equalling being good, kind and pure at all times. But in reality how many people do you know who are these things at all times? And are they truly the only people who deserve to understand and know love? No, not at all.

Love is a gift for everyone, regardless of the acts carried out, the words spoken and unkind thoughts. It is through love that the dark side can be tackled. When we look at ourselves square in the eye, accepting ourselves with all our faults and making the decision to love that person we see anyway, that is when we can start to be who we are meant to be.

Love starts from within... It resides there in a never ending supply and can be experienced IF and when we choose to acknowledge it, IF we choose to love ourselves first the good & the bad and IF we share that love with others.


'You must love yourself before you love another. By accepting yourself and fully being what you are, your simple presence can make others happy.'
'If you aren't good at loving yourself, you will have a difficult time loving anyone, since you'll resent the time and energy you give another that you aren't even giving to yourself.'
Barbara De Angelis

Go In Love...

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