I just watched Derren Brown's recording of a show that was broadcasted on Channel 4 on 8th September. It was titled: Hero at 30,000 feet and I imagined Derren doing one of his outlandish acts from up high. What the programme turned out to be was the story of a young man who had a head full of dreams but who was going nowhere with them... fast! He spoke of the career he wanted, the kind of life he desired but got up each day and let life happen to him. Step in Derren Brown...
For 30 days Derren used his psychological prowess to change this young man's life into the one he talked about. Now whether you are a fan of Derren's or not what he managed to do for this individual purely by helping him to identify opportunities every day was remarkable. It wasn't magic, it wasn't other worldly, it was opening up the mind, realising that the only thing that stops you moving forward into your bigger life is you.
We all have unique talents and abilities. Like one big pie under the sun, we all get our slices. It's all up to us to discover these innate abilities and use to lead authentic, productive lives.